Here you'll find my thoughts on fitness, humanity, nature, nutrition, politics, reason, science and critical thinking.

“Any man who can drive safely while kissing a pretty girl is simply not giving the kiss the attention it deserves.” -Albert Einstein

Monday, April 5, 2010

The least religious countries have the highest standards of living.

This is my favorite argument to stump anyone who argues that religion is needed for morality or proper social justice. The countries that offer the best education, health, equality between richest & poorest and overall social equality are the least religious in the world while countries that are highly religious are at the bottom.

Every time I’ve brought up this argument not a single person has been able to come up with a constructive retort, that’s obvious since surveys and studies clearly show there is NO possible counter point that would have concrete validity.

USA, the states that offer the most social equalities are the least religious…

So remember to always bring up this subject, you’ll be amused ;-) .

Phil Zuckerman studies
Gallup Poll 2009
USA Today article 2009
Religion in Europe 2007-2008

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